Massey's Got Talent
Are you talented?
Or would you like to see what Talent Massey has?
Would you like to be a part of our Massey’s got talent youth event this year?
Every year we dedicate a week on youth to embrace there uniqueness and development nation wide. The week is normally called youth week and every year there is a theme to build idea around. This year for youth week, our Massey Youth have an amazing event called the Massey's Got Talent celebrating the theme "Be who you want to be"
As you may have heard in the past one of our successful events was the SELFIE EXPO. This year as we focus on “be who we want to be” as youth we’ve got the exciting be who you want to be.
We also invite guest speakers to talk about their challenges they had as youth and how they became who they are today. Dylan Felton from casper fitness, Lanzwel sounds and young revus.
If you'd like to be apart of our Massey's got talent please apply below