Massey Matters is a Community Development Organisation serving both West and East Massey, Royal Heights and parts of Westgate and West Harbour in West Auckland. Our kaupapa is to make Massey an even better place to live, work and hang out.

Established by Waitakere Council in 2006, we continue to be supported by Henderson Massey Local Board today.  In 2011 we became an independent Incorporated Society which enabled us to seek and secure external funding to widen our community reach. 

Our team is spread across the Massey Community Hub on Don Buck Road, along with the Manutewhau Community Hub in West Harbour - sites that we run on behalf of Auckland Council. We also undertake community outreach projects across Massey and collaborate with community development organisations across West Auckland.

Our small team work with heart and passion. We support and empower our diverse local communities through our hub activities, workshops, funds, networks, programmes and free community events.

CREATING change, findING SOLUTIONS, achieving aspirations

Through our mahi (work) we engage Massey communities in different ways according to their needs, wants and dreams. We provide opportunities for our people and strive to find new ways to inform and engage them. 

We want to remain a significant part of our community, adding value to their lives through our development programmes, events, activities, workshops and opportunities.

Our delivery process aligns with the Empowering Communities model used by Auckland Council and the Henderson Massey Local Board. This model empowers residents to lead change in their own communities - it is an example of true grass roots development and sits where the heart of our mahi begins. 

thriving local communities

Massey is a large and growing area, with a current population of around 30,000 residents representing a wide range of ages, cultural backgrounds and living situations.

With extensive development happening in and around the area, this population is projected to grow substantially over the coming decades.

As a suburb, Massey:

  • is the largest suburb in Waitakere

  • has a high proportion of Kainga Ora homes and cheap housing developments

  • has a high population of rangatahi (young people)

  • is culturally diverse with over 20 different nationalities represented among our communities

  • boasts a rich green belt with the historically and environmentally significant Manutewhau Awa running through it

  • is seeing rapid residential and commercial growth within its boundaries and immediate surroundings. It sits nestled along the Northwestern motorway and is a stones-throw from the busy Lincoln Road and Westgate commercial centres