#MasseyLockdown: Keeping Massey connected online
In the lead-up to the nationwide Level 4 lockdown the Massey Matters team brainstormed some ideas for how we could keep Massey connected during the uncertain period.
On Tuesday 24 March (a day or two before the official start of Level 4) we launched the #MasseyLockdown project on our Facebook page.
#MasseyLockdown is an experiment in keeping Massey folk connected when our usual methods (like public events and programmes) are not available to us. The general idea is that each day the team will post a short update designed to spark conversation and keep neighbours connected.
It could be a challenge, a competition, a chance to share something from life inside your bubble or an opportunity to showcase your skills and talents to a wider audience. Every day there will be something new to get involved with. Within the first week we’ve hosted discussions around lockdown prep, issued a handwashing challenge (where people have to present a better song than ‘Happy Birthday to you’ to wash their hands to), showed off our pets and joined in on the viral ‘Bear Hunt’ initative.
We’ve also got some exciting ideas that we’re developing while this is going on too - keep an eye out for an exciting interactive school holiday activity and a showcase of talented Massey folks performing via livestream - plus a few other surprises…
Finally, we’d love to hear your ideas! If you’ve got any, or have spotted something online that you think could keep Massey people entertained or connected, drop us a line at community@masseymatters.org.nz - we’d love to hear it!
Remember, keep following official government instructions about Level 4 and Covid-19 management. The best source of information on this is the Covid-19 website.
See you on Facebook!