Henderson Massey Local Board Update
Auckland’s population is rapidly increasing, and like most Westies I have huge issues with the cost and supply of housing. The Red Hills area of Massey has been zoned for housing to help meet this demand, and you may have seen the announcement of $300 million of funding for infrastructure in Redhills and Whenuapai. This will bring forward the construction of 10,500 new homes.
This fund will help fund the basic infrastructure like wastewater and stormwater, and is also likely to be used on basic roading. Proposals for this include extending Fred Taylor Drive and Northside Drive, an update and realignment of Trig Road and a new bridge crossing to the West Harbour ferry terminal.
Your local board is happy that we can provide more homes to meet this housing crisis, but we will be fighting for the right public facilities to make these developments successful. We feel that a dedicated busway from Westgate to the CBD is more important than ever, with a stop at Massey providing more transport options for the community. It’s only fair that funding should go where the growth goes.
We are also fighting for a public swimming pool in the Northwest. West Auckland has only one public pool, and Massey residents have trekked down to Henderson for too long. We appreciate the support of the community on these issues from Massey folk old and new. Thanks for your feedback!
Consultation on the draft Henderson-Massey Local Board plan closed at the end of June. We received 241 written submissions, an increase of more than 37 per cent on the number of submissions from the previous local board plan consultation in 2014. A full 70 per cent of submitters agreed or strongly agreed that the board is on the right track. I’d like to thank Henderson-Massey residents for sharing their views. The plan will be adopted at a board meeting in October and will be available on the council website in December. Stay tuned for progress.
Shane Henderson, Chair
Henderson-Massey Local Board