Molly and Anaru's Great Massey Adventure: Chapter 9
Yesterday’s Poll Results
Where will this portal take the kids?
Molly’s backyard - 50%
Anaru’s backyard - 25%
Somewhere else entirely - 25%
Chapter 9
Within what felt like seconds (but could have been much longer) Molly and Anaru tumbled out of the latest portal and rolled along a surface of recently-mowed grass.
They both looked around them, taking in their surroundings and trying to get their bearings, before noticing the trampoline that confirmed that they were back at Molly’s place.
“I gotta get back in my bubble!” Anaru gasped and tried to scale the fence. His legs were still a bit wonky from all the portal-jumping and he stumbled and fell to the ground. Molly giggled at thim as he tried again and eventually made it over to his own lawn.
Hercules appeared at Molly’s back door to see what all the commotion was all about.
“Yes!!” Yelled Anaru, noticing the cat. “We made it back!”
“Yay! I’m so happy to be home!” Molly yelled back.
Anaru heard a clinking sound, so he reached into his pocket. “Wow!” He pulled out two one-penny coins. “Molly! I still have the coins that the farmer’s wife gave me. Look, you can keep one.”
Anaru poked a coin through a gap the fence and Molly grabbed it and held it in her hand. “Thanks Anaru. I’m going to keep this forever.”
Anaru climbed up onto the fence so that he could see Molly. “I have to go inside and tell my Mum that we met that man with the moko! She might know who he is, and then we can-.”
Anaru was stopped by the startled expression on Molly’s face. “Are you alright Molly?”
“I just- I don't know…” Molly trailed off, looking away from Anaru.
“You don’t know what…?! We just had the craziest experience ever. We have to tell our family and friends!.” Anaru pleaded with Molly.
“Yeah, but I don’t know-”
“We could even become famous,” Anaru exclaimed. “That’s what happened to my uncle when he won the Lotto. He was on tv 5 times! Everyone wanted to talk to him. He was famous as!”
Molly still wasn’t keen on telling people about their adventures through the portal though.
“I’m not really sure Anaru, what if no one believes that we went through a portal and travelled through time. People might think we’re weird or crazy.”
Anaru sighed, “Yeah...I didn’t think about it that way… Maybe we should keep it a secret…”