Calling all local businesses
Following on from the Massey Community Survey 2020, we’re also keen to hear from the local business community and gather some thoughts and ideas from them.
Working with Te Manawa, we’re launching the Massey Local Business Survey - a short survey specific to business owners operating in and around Massey.
The insights we gather from Massey business-owners will help us understand the current and future needs of local businesses in the Massey area post Covid-19 and how we could potentially help and support our local business community.
This survey is anonymous. The data gathered will be used to help both Massey Matters and Te Manawa inform future services and programmes and may be shared with other organisations to support the development of local business support.
We are interested in hearing from anyone engaged in a for-private-profit or not-for-private-profit enterprise or activity that includes: sole-traders, contractors, limited liability companies, partnerships, public trusts, private trusts, charities, social enterprises operating in any sector.
This survey should take no more than 10 minutes. If you have any questions, or want to clarify anything, contact