Growing Freedom!

Imagine walking through Massey to find that every single public garden in parks and along walkways, were productive gardens; gardens that were full of green leafy vegetables, and trees dripping with fruit for you to pick for free. Wow! They would be maintained by local residents; connecting and building community as they tended the gardens. They would be learning the ages old tradition of growing food, and pass these skills onto their tamariki, tending their own gardens to pick and feed themselves with soulful, healthy, fresh food.  Check out Ron Finlay, Gangsta Gardening for inspiration.

I dream of that. And we have begun. The little Children’s Sensory Garden at the Massey Hub is part of this. And now we are ready to create our second one, in front of the hub. However, like any social movement that creates real change for our communities, it will only work if the community steps up and works with us to make it happen.

So who wants to step up and join us?

Luigi Cappel