WEST – West Auckland Enterprise Skills and Training


West and Salvation Army Education and Employment are providing an F Endorsement / OSH Operators Certificate Course in Henderson. The course is open to any age however if you are aged 16 - 24 years old and looking for employment that involves operating a forklift you may be eligible to complete the course for free.  Forklift operators are required in sectors like manufacturing, distribution, freight, port companies, forestry and retail. If you know someone who may be interested please contact us on 8371471 or email westworkready@gmail.com 

WEST Means Business

There are more than 8000 businesses located in the Henderson Massey Local Board area and many of these are small and home based businesses. Buying products and services from these small businesses supports the local economy in Massey and it is now easier than ever to source a product or service locally. West Means Business host the Buy Local Directory, an online searchable directory of local small businesses which can be accessed by visiting www.westmeansbusiness.co.nz 

The directory includes a wide range of products and services from arborists to florists to plumbers to wedding venues. Imagine the benefit to our local economy if everyone in Massey pledged to purchase through a local business.

West Means Business continues to hold Free and Part Fee courses to support small and home businesses to develop and grow.  Contact admin@west.org.nz to register or for more information.

WEST Means Business Courses

F Endorsement / OSH Operators Certificate Course
9 September
8.30am – 3pm
Cost: Free to $150.00 (eligibility criteria applies for free course plus pre-reading resources provided)

Branding for Small Business Workshop
Monday 4 September
7.30 – 10am
Cost: $30 

First Aid Workplace Level Two (Two Day) or First Aid Level Two Refresher (One day) Courses
Monday 12 & 19 September
9.00am – 4.30pm
Cost: $145 (2 day), $95 (1 day)

IRD GST (Goods and Services Tax) Workshop
2 October
9.30 – 11.30am
Cost: Free

Social Media Marketing for Small Business - Focus on Facebook Monday 9 & 16 October
7.30 – 10am
Cost: $59 

Massey Matters