Massey Matters is Moving
Massey Matters is on the move. We are transitioning to the Massey Community Hub and will be fully moved in by July 1st. This is hugely exciting for us. Our current premise is bulging at the seams as the team grows, and its location remains a mystery to many of you. Being at the Hub means you, the community who we serve, can now easily find us! Our doors are open to you so come and visit us anytime. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
We would like to acknowledge the work of Christine MacFarlane who has been managing the Hub for the last two years and is fully supporting its transition back to being community led. Christine’s work means we are able to transition seamlessly and hit the ground running as everything is in order. More importantly, this means current users of the facility can be assured little disruption during this time.
To find out what is happening at the Massey Community Hub, check out Massey Community Events on the back page.