Community Connections Update
Massey Community Network
The Massey Community Network continues to be held every second month. The first network meeting of the year was really productive with residents and organisations setting out the priority conversations for the network over the year:
– Youth Mental Health
– Inclusion of diverse communities in Massey
– Job skills and training in Massey area
– Waste Minimisation
We also hope to take up these conversations at the Massey Residents’ Forum.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to participate in the residents’ forum
or the community work.
Massey Residents’ Forum
The Massey Residents’ Forum is a new initiative by Massey Matters to provide a platform for residents to express their wishes for Massey and find out what’s happening in our local community.
The forum was a response to residents that attend the Massey Community Network for an evening event. Good ideas are always welcome at Massey Matters and so we’ve enthusiastically taken up the opportunity to reach out to more people through the forum. We want all our residents to be able to participate in what we do and are always keen to hear your feedback on any of our programmes.
The first Massey Residents’ Forum took place on Tuesday 4th April. We are very grateful for the residents and members of our business community that came out in the stormy weather.
The Forum was a great opportunity to talk about what people would like to see in Massey. We look for hosting more forums. Forums take place every second month.
The next forum will on June 6th 2017. Save the date!