Episode 1: Wai Harris

Wai is a long-time Massey resident and current member of the Massey Matters Governance Board.

She is a staunch advocate for the local community and describes Massey as her whanau’s papakāinga - she is also excited about the future potential of the area.

Video transcript

I've lived here going on 40 years, raised our kids up here - couple of mokopuna here.

Massey mattes to me, because of my kids' involvement in sports, school, community.

My kids call this their papa kainga - the Massey area. We come from other parts of the country - Massey is it for them.

We have friends that here a lifetime, lifelong friends - from all walks of life.

When I moved here, many years ago buses were bad as. We lived down one end, there was only one shopping centre in the middle and you had to high-tail it every week to get groceries and stuff like that. I guess it's coming to get better now.

As for - what would I like to see? Now?

Children used to walk up to the shop by themselves. Now, I wouldn't trust that for my grandchildren.

Feeling safe within our own community, I gather, is one - it's a big one.

It's a dream that you can only strive for, I guess and get behind whatever's going on.

I'd like us to all be in love and come together as a community, regardless of what colour you sodding well are!